Why King James 1611 Bible?

By David Wu | Written on 2020-09-05 | Modified on 2020-09-08

King James Bible is a well-known name to many Christians, especially for those whose native language is English. But the things are not simple at all: on one side, it is legendary; on the other side, it is full of controversies.

Legendary: many famous preachers have given it high praise, calling it a work of GOD's hand; and the rising of the most powerful Protestant countries in history like Britain and USA are all associated with it; and there is a movement called King James Bible Only, some among them even claim that the only legitimate Bible version is King James Bible.

Full of controversies: comparing to other modern English Bibles, it is harder to read, including the arguments concerning archaic words and odd phrases; and as modern archaeology advances, more scrolls are discovered and more ancient languages are understood, many claim that modern English Bibles based on this advantage will convey God's message more accurately and effectively.

We will discuss as many of the major controversies over the King James Bible as we can here. For the time is running out, (you can click on this link to see why), our explanation of any specific aspect of this broad topic will be brief, but feel free to research further on your own. Now let's start with the One whom all true Christians would agree to love and praise, and that is Jesus Christ.

The Fundamental Role of Jesus Christ

However, before we review Jesus Christ again, the Son of GOD, let's review his FATHER, the ALMIGHTY GOD first.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The above verse tells us the fundamental role of GOD FATHER: the CREATOR. Many other religions also talk about their god, but none of them say their god is the CREATOR. While in some fairy tales their god may create some things, but the GOD of Christians created everything that exists, including time and space, matter and energy as the concepts of modern physics.

Needless to say, our GOD is too big for any other god to find a place to claim his own territory. But now let us move to another place in the Bible that will further confirm the truth we discussed in above:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Again, these verses tell us that our GOD created all things. However, more information is given: the WORD of GOD is a part of GOD HIMSELF and is as the hand of GOD when GOD does the work of creation; but the most interesting and fundamental part is that the WORD of GOD is also a person, who is called Jesus Christ, and whom Apostle John is writing about.

Comparing Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1, there are striking similarities: both begin with the same phrase "In the beginning" and both refer to the beginning of all creation. While Genesis 1:1 gives the fundamental identity of GOD FATHER as the CREATOR of all things, which nullifies any other god, John 1:1 gives us the fundamental identity of Jesus Christ as the WORD of GOD, from which all his other titles could derive.

At the very beginning of John's Gospel, in the first paragraph, verse 1 to 3 introduce directly Jesus as the WORD of GOD. Verse 4 further says Jesus is both the life and the light of mankind. There are two other famous verses, which shall link both the life and the light back to the WORD of GOD:

John 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

So, our life is from the WORD of GOD.

Psalms 119:130 The entrance of thy WORDS giveth LIGHT; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

So, our light is also from the WORD of GOD.

In the second paragraph of John's Gospel, verse 6 and 7 introduce another person John the Baptist. In case of readers get it wrong, Apostle John specifically compares the first person and the second person, and emphasized the second person is a witness, only the first person is the TRUE LIGHT and takes part in creation as a specific part of the CREATOR (GOD FATHER); furthermore, only by way of the first person we can become sons of GOD.

The end of the second paragraph is verse 14, which is John's conclusion: the first person is indeed the WORD of GOD in flesh. Then, only after that, John says himself see that person as the only begotten of GOD FATHER, which means the Son of GOD. So, in the view of Apostle John, the identity of Jesus as the WORD of GOD bears far more importance than his identity as the Son of GOD.

John 1:14 And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the FATHER,) full of grace and truth.

What Apostle John writes in the above verse is so famous and quoted by many as a conclusive quotation, it is unquestionable: Jesus is the WORD of GOD made flesh. However, according to John's following words after that statement, it seems John thinks the WORD of GOD is the only begotten of GOD FATHER. Then now, we have a question: does John get it right? Let's check it.

When GOD FATHER is called the ALMIGHTY GOD, one of its meanings is GOD FATHER can do both jobs of a father and a mother. In other words, although HE is one and HIS gender is male, HE can serve all things that are usually served by a mother, including carrying the Son inside HIM and giving the birth to HIS Son.

The interesting part is both the WORD of GOD and the Son of GOD share many similarities here: as the Son comes to exist inside GOD FATHER at a certain time, the WORD comes as thoughts of GOD at some moments; as the Son needs to grow for a while inside GOD FATHER, the WORD needs to be purified seven times in advance; as GOD FATHER give the Son his own existence after his shape is fully developed, the WORD is empowered to go forth from GOD after it becomes mature.

There are some features of Jesus are more fit for the WORD of GOD than the Son of GOD: as Jesus says "all things that the Father hath are mine", the WORD of GOD governs all things of GOD; Jesus says "he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father", whosoever dishonours the WORD of GOD, dishonours GOD who gives the WORD; Jesus says "I and my Father are one", there is nothing more absolutely and definitely than for the WORD of GOD to be ONE with GOD.

As for other roles and titles of Jesus, they can be viewed even as the direct effects of the WORD of GOD: if the WORD of GOD doesn't say to save you, Jesus can't be your saviour; if the WORD of GOD doesn't say to heal you, Jesus can't be your healer; if the WORD of GOD doesn't say to redeem you, Jesus can't be the spotless sacrifice for you; if the WORD of GOD doesn't say to forgive sin, the blood of Jesus won't cover you; etc.

The conclusion is clear: if you truly love and care about Jesus, then you should take heed and read the WORD of GOD. A believer of Jesus is just the entry level, but what Jesus seeks are DISCIPLES who will grow continually in accordance with the WORD; if you don't read much, how can you grow much? it will become the bottleneck of your Christian life. This can be confirmed by Jesus' own words:

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which BELIEVED on him, If ye CONTINUE in my WORD, then are ye my DISCIPLES indeed;

The Jews in the above verse are already believers, but not DISCIPLES yet. According to what Jesus says in above, learning and following the WORD of GOD is the key to qualify us to be his disciples. Moreover, Jesus teaches us that the true worshippers shall worship in spirit and in truth. The less truth we know and practise, the less true worship we can give to GOD. And the main source of truth provided by GOD is the WORD of GOD.

John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy TRUTH: thy WORD is TRUTH.

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the TRUE WORSHIPPERS shall worship the Father in spirit and in TRUTH: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Why do we go such length to discuss the relationship between Jesus and the WORD of GOD? It is because your attitude towards King James Bible is mainly decided by how much love you have for Jesus. Some Christians have enough skill and strength, but never try to jump over the threshold; some Christians have little skill and strength, yet climb over the threshold.

Worship with music is a break through when an unbeliever becomes a believer. However, staying there continually is not good for a disciple of Jesus. The truth concerning it is really plain: if you do follow the WORD of GOD, GOD surely will enjoy your worship too; if you don't follow the WORD of GOD, GOD more likely will frown on your worship; in case you are against the WORD of GOD, your worship is an abomination indeed.

Fight for the Accessibility of the WORD of GOD

The WORD of GOD is a really big concept. There are two forms: written or oral. Almost all written WORD of GOD comes in the verbal form first. For example, the TEN COMMANDMENTS were first spoken by GOD to the Israelites with HIS voice, and later HE wrote them on the tablets of stone with HIS finger. It is obvious that the written WORD is more important and is what GOD wants us to study.

However, some written WORDs are more authoritative than others. For example, GOD's sixth commandment says "Thou shalt not kill,", while there are many places throughout the entire Old Testament where GOD tells us to kill those who are worthy of death for reasons such as: worshipping other gods, murder, adultery, human trafficking, witchcraft, wickedness, etc.

Some atheists claim the above is a contradiction of the WORD of GOD. However, even civilization is built in the same way: the Constitution is the supreme law that defines our rights and freedoms; at the same time, civil and common laws under the Constitution define many instances where the rights and freedoms of an individual are deprived. Not just in Christian countries, even in Communist countries as well.

For Christians, the Bible is the most important part of the WORD of GOD, even though we obey the laws of this world too. One thing they both have in common is that neither should be easily modified. Since changes in a nation's laws often mean conflicts and even bloodshed, so it can't be right for Christians to take light the issue of the multiple versions of the Bible.

The changes of laws are not always good: some are made to be better, some are made to be worse. In the old days, most old Bible versions did aid the growth of Christianity greatly, very few did more harm than help to Christianity. (We will address latter the issue of the multiple modern Bible versions). The typical battle ground of the old days is the accessibility of the Bible.

When a kingdom is really big, comprising of many tribes and tongues, the laws and commands are usually also written in many languages, to make sure they are correctly followed by all the people of the kingdom. It sounds so natural. But it is not like that for the Bible in the medieval times, the Dark Age of the Roman Church. Only the trained clergy could read the Latin Bible, not the common people.

Such policy did give much advantage to those of the high ranks in the Roman Church, but did also produce much corruption and deception, including the infamous Indulgence. Martin Luther did challenge that with his 95 Theses of Contention. But more importantly, he gave the ordinary Germans a Bible written in their own language. Without the latter part, Luther could not win the battle against the Roman Church in the end.

But, nearly 150 years before that, John Wycliffe had already promoted a Bible in English against the corruption and control of the Roman Church. Even though his translated work was based on the official Latin version Vulgate, which was used by the Roman Church, those manuscripts were burned. The Pope hated him so much that he even ordered Wycliffe's bones to be burned and scattered into the river 44 years after his death.

John Hus, who was greatly influenced by Wycliffe, continued to preach that people should have the Bible written in their own language. In 1415, he was burned at the stake with Wycliffe’s manuscript used for ignition. However, at his death, John Hus prophesied the coming reform which would be carried out by Martin Luther, "in 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed."

Seeing Vulgate, the official Latin Bible, was already corrupted by the Roman Church, William Tyndale started to translate an English Bible from Greek and Hebrew text. He was so enthusiastic to free the common people from being controlled by the Church Clergy and said to an opponent in an argument, "If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plough shall know more of the Scriptures than thou dost."

But Tyndale could not do the work in England where the Roman Church had strong power. He fled to the Continent and even visited Martin Luther. He almost finished the whole Bible while successfully dodged the inquisitors and bounty hunters several times. However, a friend sold him out, and he was imprisoned in terrible condition for about 500 days. On October 6th, 1536, he was burnt at the stake. At his death, he prayed: "Lord, open the king of England's eyes."

Surely, GOD answered the prayer three years later. In 1529, King Henry VIII published the English Bible which is called the Great Bible. What we are not sure is what kind of eye opening GOD did to the king: might be spiritual, the king saw the people of England needed an English Bible; or be fleshly, he saw the convenience for his own carnal desires; or even both. Finally, the common people now could legally have a Bible in their own language.

It was precious, for many had died for it: Thomas Hitton was burned because of his connection with Tyndale in 1530; Thomas Bilney was burned because of holding and preaching the same doctrine in August 1531; Richard Bayfield was tortured and burned for his support of Tyndale in December 1531; five Scotchmen were burned in 1539 for the crimes like citing the LORD's Prayer in English; etc. But the martyrdom for an English Bible was still not over.

By the order of Henry VIII, the Church of England was separated from the Roman Church and became the Anglican Church. Though now the Protestants had an upper hand, they still had not learned the reality of how bloody the battle could be. Bloody Mary took the throne in 1553. After the consolidation of power, she started to burn hundreds of Protestants at the stake from 1555, including John Rogers who printed the Matthews-Tyndale English Bible and Thomas Cranmer the longtime advisor of Henry VIII.

Many chose to sacrifice their lives for the truth which they held fast. But it was by GOD'S MERCY ALONE, it became the last inquisitional action of Catholic power in England, so the Protestants didn't have to learn a much HARDER lesson. After Mary I died of cancer in 1559, the tide shifted back to the favor of the Protestants. However, the conflict between the two groups, Catholic and Protestant, not only continued but also played a big role in the English Civil War latter.

The pioneers of Protestantism hated the doctrine of papal infallibility so much that they preferred to die a painful death rather than compromise with such blasphemy. Yet nowadays, many Christians are praising the infallibility of the leadership in their denominations. I have to clarify that I love my fellow Catholics, and even respect his choice to have one or more infallible leaders. However, I will watch carefully not to let him throw me under the wheels he likes.

Freedom is something that you don't feel much when you have it, but you will feel pain when you lose it. I'm glad the word "free" is repeated again and again in the national anthem of Canada. Those who chose the song likely had learned the bloody lesson in history and made their knowledge recorded in such an obvious way. But nowadays, we Christians are selling our freedom for exchange of honors and praises from men inside our denominations.

For example, many Christians are well educated, but not regularly read the Bible ALONE by themselves. Instead of examining the Bible carefully before accepting any teaching, many applause everything coming from the pulpit as long as it is within their denomination. Moreover, many give high praise to the experts of the ancient languages and listen eagerly for their corrections to the Bible. But those things are actually what the common people did to the Church clergy in the Dark Age.

I'm not against the Church clergy. It is about what kind of power they truly have. After your tithe is given to the Church, it is the duty of the Church clergy to judge properly about how to spend. You could make a suggestion, but not a decision. However, as far as the truth you hold, it is always your choice. Adam and Eve did claim the fault of others, but only got a little help. To exchange the duties between you and the Church clergy by ourselves will not change the judgment of GOD at all.

It doesn't mean we do not learn from the Church clergy or the scholars. Actually most of the truths I hold are learned from them. The interesting part is they may against each other vehemently, but I usually find both truths and lies from both sides. One truth takes me many years to see through, for example: GOD doesn't see the bloody conflicts between Protestantism and Catholicism by groups, everyone shall give account to GOD according to his own thoughts, words and deeds individually.

Overall, Protestantism values individual rights and freedom far more than Catholicism. In history, there are more Protestants killed by Catholics than Catholics killed by Protestants. However, the following scenario is also possible: a Catholic might try to save a Protestant for seeing him as a brother; and a Protestant might try to kill a Catholic for seeing him as an enemy. Again, GOD's judgment is not about to which group you belong: every one that kills shall stand ALONE to be judged by GOD. This is GOD's unchangeable principle on the earth and in the heavens.

Note: the above principle of GOD's judgment shall be applied to everything that plays now in the USA, no matter they are politics, street protests or riots, police operations, or social media actions. Take heed, the decisions made by your group do not mean much to GOD, you are always RESPONSIBLE for yourself, just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Infallible leaderships and over-powered clergy hierarchies have a stronger foothold in the Protestant Churches than before, it isn't surprising, some prophecies about the end time foretell us Christian denominations shall unite again under the papacy one day. For the Antichrist will not only need a universal government, but also a universal church. Only with both, the person of Antichrist can eventually put an image into the third temple to be worshipped as GOD. Many being deceived shall join his force to blow up the Dome of the Rock and build the third temple.

It is impossible for any denomination to repent as a whole, but there will be plenty of overcomes in any denomination. Many are just ordinary Christians, just as what Tyndale said: a plow-driving boy will know more of the Scriptures than the clergy. Tyndale was inspired by GOD, it is GOD'S DIVINE WILL that every one of HIS people shall have HIS WORD available at his own hand; great or small, it doesn't matter. Let's read the following verses:

Deuteronomy 30:11 For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off.

Deuteronomy 30:12 It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?

Deuteronomy 30:13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?

Deuteronomy 30:14 But the WORD is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.

Jesus himself is the WORD of GOD. You can take the last verse in above as a prophecy concerning the coming of Jesus. After Jesus died and resurrected from death, he shall live in the mouth and the heart of each individual Christian. And now the WORD of GOD is not only including the Old Testament, but also the New Testament, thus the entire Bible.

New Battles About the WORD of GOD

You can have a Bible and read it by yourselves at any time is actually a symbol of freedom. Unfortunately, the Bible itself is also a sharp weapon that can be used by both sides: for or against freedom. After forcing Latin-only of the Bible for centuries, seeing that they had lost the fight of the accessibility, in 1582, the Roman Church started to attack in another way: they decided to create their own official English Bible.

The Douay–Rheims Bible was made in the English College, Douaia, where Catholic priests were trained. The preface of the Bible asserted that it closely followed the official Latin Vulgate. Marginal notes are used extensively to ensure that many passages support or at least are not against Catholicism. Where there was no controversy, even text from Wycliffe, Tyndale, and Geneva could be used.

Not just over the English Channel, there were problems concerning the Bible versions even in this side of England. The Geneva Bible is a full product of Calvinist, it carries a strong tone against the Church structure of the privileged class. The clergy of the Anglican Church could not have ease with it. But the Old Testament of the Great Bible, which is the official Bible of the Anglican Church, was based on Latin Vulgate, that was bad in their eyes too, (at least they did love the truths that they recognized), so the Bishop Bible was produced officially.

While the Bishop Bible was read in the Church services, the Geneva Bible was read by many at their houses. There was strife between the Puritans who wanted to push further the reformation towards equality and freedom, and the Church clergy who liked the benefits of privileged hierarchies. King James I was well educated in the knowledge of God in many ways, thanks to his early years of hard discipline. He did fear God, but not to the level of the biblical King David, who had a greater reverence for God, but still acted carnally at times.

His coronation in England was on 25 July, 1603. While in his journey to London, he had received the Millenary Petition from the Puritans who thought his background of Presbyterian Scotland would help to push the reformation of equality. With a good understanding, he arranged the famous Hampton Court Conference. The meeting was held eventually in 1604 for several days and the result was: no way to abolish bishops in the Church, "No bishop, no king!"; but a new translation to unify the usage of the Bible inside and outside the Church was granted.

King James I was not interested to take sides. In his life, he knew the value of peace for his regime, including foreign policies. (Let us leave it to God to decide if his real reason was for God, or for himself, or both.) His goal was to unify as many as possible: bishops, reformists, or even Catholics. So the translation had to be done in a strict scholarly manner with transparency. In the end, what good was this new translation if the work itself would be accused of being unfaithful or manipulative by any group that was at odds with one another?

The setup was 6 committees, called companies, made up of 47 leading scholars. Three companies were for the Old Testament from Hebrew and Aramaic, two for the New Testament from Greek, and one for the Apocrypha from Greek and Latin (the Apocrypha was considered as less important). Three locations were the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, and Westminster. Each location held two companies. Many rules were also adopted, like names should follow the tradition, considering public oral effects, etc. We will discuss some of them.

First, though the Bishop Bible should be followed as much as possible, whenever there was better text to the original, Tyndal or Geneva, or a new translation, then it should stand. This ensures the best quality of reflecting the truth. Second, margins and notes are no longer used to imply any doctrine, only to show information about the original languages. This clears the Bible of third-party opinions and allows the reader to decide for himself the meaning of God's Word without outside influence.

Moreover, a cross-check system was established to improve the quality as much as possible. First, a draft translated by anyone should be checked by others in the same company, until all agreed. Second, after a book was accomplished by a company, the book should be sent to another company to be checked seriously and judiciously while reporting to the king. Third, in the case of special obscurity, any learned man in the land could be consulted. Forth, any Church clergy could send his particular observations to the company if he disagreed some verses.

Some argue with me that they have better scholars who understand the ancient languages better. But I have not heard any modern scholar doing his work by the standard above. No matter how excellent King James I and his scholars were, the living always has an upper hand over the dead. It is like Magnus Carlsen definitely will beat Bobby Fischer in Chess with the advantage of modern technology. But as for the WORD of GOD, that isn't the case.

As a masterpiece, King James Bible achieves two things: doctrinal accuracy and literary greatness. But many talk about them separately, not connected. When GOD created mankind, HE gave us the ability to be both rational and emotional. And when GOD speaks to us, HE speaks to us both rationally and emotionally. Many notice the literary style of the New Testament of King James Bible is better than its Greek original, the Old Testament of King James Bible even imitates the rhythm and style of the Hebrew Scriptures.

It is easy for a modern scholar to declare he is better at ancient languages in word meaning accuracy. But as to produce a masterpiece as King James Bible, which is wonderfully balanced between doctrinal accuracy and literary greatness, he is free to try, but I don't have a chance to applause his work, for he can't. Historically GOD's work on those Bible versions has always been an upgrade, not a downgrade. If a new Bible version can only be better at word meaning accuracy, but not better at literary greatness, it is a work of men, not of GOD.

One feature of literary works is for it to be read aloud in public. When King James Bible is read properly in worship service, many times it sounds like the voice of GOD HIMSELF. KJB is attacked for its archaic words, some words were actually obsolete even in the time when it was translated. The reason for all those scholars were in the agreement to make such choices is because those words could express GOD better. For HE is the Ancient Days who sits on the throne in the Heaven even before the universe began, which is one of many GOD's titles stated in the Bible.

When I use the sentence as "Thus says ...", it can be Jack, who is my neighbour; but as for the sentence as "Thus sayth the LORD", it is our FATHER in heaven only, who sits in the highest place and rules over all things forever and ever. King James Bible speaks to us both rationally and emotionally. Think about Shakespeare, how his literature feeds your soul when you read them aloud or contemplate on them word by word, do you feel strong emotions flow through you? That is what King James Bible can do to you if you approach it in the right way.

Why there are so many hard die Christians claiming King James Bible Only, even though they are scorned as ridiculous? First, they are strong spiritually. While other Christians feed on doctrines only (or mostly), they feed on doctrines mingled with strong emotions. Second, just like the fans of Shakespeare, if you write again the exact same story rendered by Shakespeare, will they not take it as a joke? For the taste is so different (though the plot is same) that they will cry foul immediately.

However, I will not use the term King James Bible Only. It is too simple. Christians tend to simplify many things. The whole Bible can be a flyer of a Church or a faith statement of a denomination. However, they are for entry level. Just like you can not build a tower or a bridge only with the four rules of arithmetic, you can not build your faith or keep your faith growing with the things simple like that. GOD is not simple at all, when HE gave us both HIS image and HIS life, we can't stay simple as we like.

Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:

Proverbs 1:21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,

Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye SIMPLE ones, will ye love SIMPLICITY? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

The Modern English Bible Versions

The hottest selling point of the modern English Bible versions is they are easier to read, in another word, plainer. However, the WORD of GOD isn't that simple. When modern scholars go ahead to make plain the Bible, what they actually do at best is to record faithfully what they know. So it should be obvious, many things unknown or undetectable for them are gone. What is lost is not only oral effect, emotion impact, etc, but also the breadth and depth of the messages: a great treasure you have lost.

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are HIGHER than the earth, so are my ways HIGHER than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

If you can read math text plainly, you have already mastered it; if you can read Shakespeare's work plainly, you can be his teacher in English literature, (for Shakespeare himself still thought his work was hard). So what you truly get from those plain Bible versions? You can say to yourself I have fulfilled my obligation of reading the WORD of GOD frequently and diligently in an easier way, but can you really get a good reward from GOD? In school days, do you pick what you already know to practice math problems while you desire a higher mark?

The researchers and fans write articles about the literature of Shakespeare. Some claim they figure out there are 2nd meaning, 3rd meaning for some words, and how perfectly meet the scenarios and greatly enrich the plots. The same is for the WORD of GOD. For all the words in KJB, around 780,000, only a few (hundreds?) are called obsolete, which means they are not used frequently now. But they are valid words, most you can sense its meaning directly, only a few may need a dictionary. Let's see an example.

Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

The link here will show you multiple Bible versions for the above verse. We will only discuss one phrase in the above verse: "and shall bring forth a son". The words "bring forth" seem to offend many scholars although not all. Some change it to "have a son", plain, but too plain for the Son of GOD; some change it to "bear a son", more official, but still lack some weight; some change it to "give birth", almost keep all subtle feelings as "bring forth" and is modern, perfect.

However, I can still find the fault here: Jesus is the Son of GOD, the ONE truly gave him birth is GOD or the Holy Spirit, Mary is only used (and honored) by GOD as a vessel, "give birth" will emphasize the role of Mary too much, while "bring forth" will imply she was used for a purpose by GOD like a hand, thus still a handmaid of GOD, not as great as Mother of GOD. We can play this on and on, there is no end for argument. Will such changes in wording by the Modern English versions enforce our relationship with GOD? It doesn't make much sense.

I'm not here to oppress Catholicism. To accept which interpretation of the above verse is your own right and freedom alone. Except for GOD, none has the privilege to deprive it of you, no matter you are Catholic or Protestant. There are Catholics who use King James Bible for personal study, for they do find that for those same books in both King James Bible and the Catholic Bible, the one of KJB is usually better.

The perfect balance between doctrinal accuracy and literary greatness in King James Bible isn't achievable by mankind. I do owe thanks to King James I and his scholars, but what was done is beyond their capabilities. Without GOD's peculiar empowerment, KJB would be just one of many Bible versions in history. But now, if anyone claims he has a better version, let him show us the token of GOD, which means it has better achievement in both doctrinal accuracy and literary greatness than KJB.

But today, why fewer Christians choose King James Bible? You can always blame Satan for his attacks. But more important is Christians become less humble and more impatient. When life becomes better and better, just like the Israelites of the old days, Christians start to take light the Rock, their GOD. In nearly 400 years, KJB was the dominating English Bible, many praised KJB for making it easy for them to know the WORD of GOD, are they better educated than today's Christians? Of course not, but their lives were harder than today's.

I don't know how many fast food chain brands there are in Christian countries around the world. Convenience and comfort become so important. Among average Christians, the top comment about King James Bible is difficult to read. But it is your only organic food which has the full spectrum of nutrition in balance, all other English Bible versions will give you much extra fat, which is false confidence out of easiness. That is especially dangerous in the End Time which is now. Many have shown such attitude in the pandemic of COVID-19 and the unrest playing in USA.

In the past, many scholars did study and research the Bible greatly. They published what they found or achieved as Commentaries or Bible notes. But nowadays, scholars seem to shun away from such practice and put forth their research as new Bible versions. I don't say the scholars of ancient languages can not find anything new and valuable. They could publish their work on the margins and notes of the Bible, and suggest readers compare or consider, but not replace the entire Bible directly.

When a kingdom is made up of many large regions, there are two possible scenarios: all regions have the same laws, or each region has its own laws. It is obvious, in the latter case, the kingdom is weak. So nowadays, the strength of the Christian Church is weak, just like a man cuts his own foot. King James I knew that, so he wanted a new translation to unify his people; Satan knows that, it is prophesied: whien the Antichrist is on his way to power, he will set NIV as the official Bible, but ban King Jame Bible.

Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the WORDS of the LORD:

Amos 8:12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

Amos 8:13 In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst.

Amos 8:14 They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Thy god, O Dan, liveth; and, The manner of Beersheba liveth; even they shall fall, and never rise up again.

"the days" in the above verses is the End Time. The famine of the WORD of GOD does include King James Bible, but not only KJB, there are many other writings that bear the TRUTH of GOD. However, apparently the NIV doesn't have enough light to pierce the darkness. Moreover, "the sin of Samaria" is the worship of the golden calves. Some modern English Bible versions are golden calves, (though not all), the producers are driven by the purpose of making money and fame. Instead of blessing, golden calves bring in curses.

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The above verse is applicable to the Bible, for the WORD of GOD can't be easily modified for personal taste or understanding, no matter how high is your scholar level, otherwise, you might have cursed yourself. The word used by KJB to describe the way leads unto life is "narrow", which means there are traps on both left and right sides, it requires only your attention and caution, but not necessary to be hard or difficult. The same is for King James Bible, when you give it enough attention, it is actually not that hard or difficult for you to read.

But many modern English versions do bring a curse to their readers, even the above verse. Some exchange the word "narrow" with "hard": Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard, Good News Translation, English Standard Version, The Complete Jewish Bible, The Bible in Basic English; some exchange the word "narrow" with "difficult": New Living Translation, New King James Version, Christian Standard, Common English. You can check all versions of this verse in one place through this link.

The curse is: when some can find the path of life with carefulness only and without much difficulty, those who use the above Bible versions as their light, would be hard or difficult to find the path of life. One may question me: do the old English versions bring in curses because they too sometimes using different words than KJB? Of course not. After the newest official English Bible was released by GOD with the greatest anointing in history, which is King James Bible, all older versions, even including Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, become materials for research only. If you still insist on using them as official documents, then you do so at your own risk.

Another question concerning the authority of King James Bible is how about other languages. It is difficult to compare literary greatness among different languages. However, there is no doubt English is actually universal now. It is the official language of science, technology, business, and many other fields, especially at the international level. Because GOD knows everything, it is quite effective for HIM to publish the official Bible in English, once and for all. So you simply will not find a Bible in any other common language better than King James Bible.

Now, you should understand why we say your attitude towards King James Bible depends on your strength and love for Jesus. In the beginning, you may read a plain English Bible to know some basics. But when you are serious about your faith, you must switch to King James Bible. Jesus is the WORD of GOD, now he is walking in the spiritual realm, you can't touch and see him. However, he does give us a tangible part of him in this world, which is the Bible, more precisely, King James Bible, it is the hem of Jesus' garment that you can touch to be healed.

Matthew 14:36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as MANY as touched were made perfectly WHOLE.

There are plenty of King James Bible Christians who can witness to you the power in it. Unfortunately, many take the approach to prove doctrine errors in other English Bible versions. But the issue of doctrines is too complicated for beginners. Please read King James Bible also as literature for several months with your heart engaged and with prayers, sooner or later you will recognize the voice of your beloved Jesus in it; after that, no one can thwart you. The only trap remaining is seeking your own glory in it, then you will become a Pharisee of KJB instead of a disciple of Jesus.

Some scholars state that those KJB Christians don't know how many changes or errors in its editions since 1611. However, while the fans of Shakespeare set up many websites for some corner informations, will so many King James Bible Christians not take care of the editions? Here is the link of a website addressing all editions of King James Bible, they call themselves the protectors of KJB (might be preservers, my joke) and promote the Pure Cambridge Edition. However, it matters only after you further devote to King James Bible.

Final Words

The End Time is now. The peak hour is coming. Why it is much darker in spirit than before? Light can be measured precisely only in darkness, that is why GOD reserves the most excellent, the 144,000 saints, only in the End Time. King James Bible is associated with the rising of Britain and the USA, the most dominating Christian powers in history. KJB is a source of your light and strength. Hold it fast, so your oil may never be lack and your lamp shall not be quenched. May you rise in the darkness of the End Time just like Britain and the USA once did in the world history, but now it is individual only, no more nation wide, nor denomination wide.

Judges 5:31 So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love HIM be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.

Let us and our children be the generations in the above verse. Definitely, all the enemies of GOD shall perish. But instead of forty years, we will have a thousand years for rest, which is the Millennium, right after the tribulation of Jacob, which is the End Time when we have to fight.


  1. A fan of Shakespeare talked about the difficult level of Old English, Middle English, and Modern English. The interesting part is he used the Lord's prayer to compare, and said King James Bible wasn't hard to read contrary to many comments about it: here is the link.
  2. Someone wrote the story behind King James Bible: here is the link.
  3. A sister explained how Psalm 23 was translated as a book in King James Bible: here is the link.
  4. About the men who risked all to translate the Bible: here is the link.
  5. King James Bible in the Encyclopedia website: Information website about King James Bible
  6. King James Bible in Wiki website: here is the link.
  7. King James Bible in the history website: here is the link.
  8. King James Bible in the UK history website: here is the link.
  9. Major KJB prints are compared word by word: here is the link.
  10. Someone prints KJB for Catholics: here is the link.
  11. The website about the End Time: here is the link.